根据混凝土的配合比设计及试验室现场操作,配制出工作性良好的阿利特-硫铝酸钡钙水泥混凝土。采用对比试验研究的方法,研究了不同水灰比对该水泥混凝土抗压强度的影响,并将其与相同配合比的普通混凝土的力学性能进行比较。试验结果表明:两种混凝土的抗压强度均随水灰比的增大而减小;相同配合比下,该水泥混凝土的抗压强度比同龄期的普通混凝土有了明显的改善,尤其早期抗压强度,1d强度提高了50% ̄65%。微观结构分析发现:阿利特-硫铝酸钡钙水泥混凝土中水化产物的粒径分布均匀,界面粘结状况较好,结构较为致密。
Preparation and mechanical properties of Alite-C2.75B1.25A3^-S cement concrete was studied.The result showed the concrete had properties of higher early-age strength and more steady late-age strength than Portland cement concrete.Compared with Portland cement concrete, the compressive strength of the concrete was investigated.The result showed that the compressive strength of the two concretes decreased with the increase of the water-cement ratio(W/C ) ,but the compressive strength of Alite-C2.75B1.25A3^-S cement concrete was much higher than that of Portland cement concrete, especially the early-age compressive strength.The compressive strength of Alite-C2.75B1.25A3^-S cement concrete at an early age of 24 hours could reach 22.81MPa for W/C=0.45,17.29MPa for W/C=0.50 and 17.04MPa for W/C=0.55 respectively,and they were about 50 to 65 percent higher than those of Portland cement concrete.The microstructure and the interface of cement-aggregate was investigated by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).The result showed that the interface of cement and aggregate was more close-grained of Alite-C2.75B1.25A3^-S cement concrete than that of Portland cement concrete.The structure of Alite-C2.75B1.25A3^-S cement concrete was much more compact than that of Portland cement concrete.