基于行为的信任体系是适应于无线传感器网络资源受限特性的一种安全增强机制。该体系通过节点的过往行为来评估节点的可信度,从而提高任务完成的质量。现有NS2上的WSN仿真方法往往只模拟网络中的某一个层次,不能满足该体系层次融合和网内逐跳信息处理的两个基本特点。在AD HOC仿真平台的基础上进行改动,在MAC层和网络接口层之间增加信任处理层,实现对节点完成不同类型的任务的能力进行评估。同时,对路由算法进行改进,使其选择信任度更高的节点作为路由的下一跳,从而降低不良节点对无线传感器网络中路由功能的影响。利用该文的仿真框架对基于行为的信任体系进行仿真验证,结果表明该体系的存在有效地提高了路由的成功率。
Behavior - based trust is a kind of security enhancement mechanism in wireless sensor network (WSN). The trustdegree of sensor node is evaluated from its past behavior, which will further improve the quality or success ratio of future tasks in WSN. Current simulation of WSN on the platform of NS2 is mostly limited to within one layer, for example, routing. But behavior- based trust calls for cross -layer handling and in -network processing. A simple framework for behavior - based trust is proposed in this paper based on ad hoc simulation platform. The structure of the mobile node is modified to accommodate a trust layer between the net interface and MAC. The behaviors of neighbor nodes are evaluated in the trust layer to form a trust relationship in term of trust degree. At the same time, routing algorithm is improved to reflect the impact of trustworthiness of next hop node. Simulation results show that the behavior- based trust helps to achieve high good -put.
Computer Simulation