Abstract Coronal CT images of paranasal sinus in 100 normal a6ults were selected to study the cribriform plate and adjacent structures.There were 61 males and 39 females ranging in age from 18 to 56 vears.The results showed that:(1)The means values of width of the cribri-form plate are 8.07±1.41mm in males,and 7.47±1.30mm in females.(2)The means val-ues of lemgth of the lateral lamella of lamina cribrosa are 4.12±1.80mm,They were divided into two types according to the angle between the cribriform plate and the lateral lamella of lamina cribrosa:the precipitous type has an angle of 97.09±8.42;and the tardo type hasan angle of 139.51±10.26.(3)The antericr ethmoid foramen are classified into two types,the canallike and the conelike anterior ethmoid foramen.The anatomical relationships and morphologic features of the cribriform plate,the lateral lamella of lamina cribrosa and the middle nasal turbinate also were discussed
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg