目的比较大肠癌患者腹腔冲洗液中CEAmRNA、CEA蛋白(p-CEA)和细胞学(peritoneallavage cytology,PLC)检测游离癌细胞的临床价值。方法术中收集58例大肠癌患者和15例大肠良性病变病人的腹水或腹腔冲洗液,分别采用RT-PCR方法检测腹腔液中游离癌细胞CEAmRNA表达,化学发光法检测上清液中p-CEA,同时做腹腔冲洗液的细胞学检查。结果CEAmRNA表达阳性率(64.0%)明显高于p-CEA(31.0%)或PLC(24.0%,P<0.05)。CEAmRNA表达阳性率随着侵袭深度而增加。结论三种方法均可用于大肠癌腹腔脱落细胞的诊断,但RT-PCR方法对微量癌细胞检出的敏感性最佳。
Objective To Corn pocre the clinical usefulness of CEA determination and cytology of peritoneal washings of large intestinal cancer to the peritoneum. Methods CEA was detected at mRNA level by RT - PCR and protein level by chemoluminoassay (CLA). Cytologic examination was done by conventional method. Peritoneal washings were collected during operation from 58 patients with large intestinal cancer and 15 with benign lesions. Results The expressicn positive rate of RT- PCR (64.0 %) was significant higher than that of CLA (31.0 % ) and peritoneal lavage cytology(24.0 % ). The first one was more sensitive than both of the latter of free cancer cells in the peritoneal washings(P 〈 0.05). The level of CEAmRNA expression increased with the depth of focus invasion. Conclusion RT- PCR and CLA and cytologic examine methods all can used to diagnose large intestinal cancer by peritoneal exfoliated cell, but RT - PCR is most sensitive methool to examine trace Cancer cell.
Journal of Jining Medical University