
我国西部水电移民安置的土地资源需求与保障研究——以云南省为例 被引量:14

The security of land resources demand for relocated land-losing farmers in Western China's hydroelectric development:a case study in Yunnan province
摘要 我国西部水电资源丰富,而云南是水电资源大省,水电产业是云南省的五大支柱产业之一。为了将水力资源优势尽快转化为经济优势,今后20年间云南大江大河流域将开发建设87座大中型水电工程。为此,不仅将要占用大量的土地资源,而且还将产生52万多农村移民需要异地安置。土地是农民的“命根子”,水电工程建设占地引起的广大农村移民,其恢复生产和生活的途径应当以土地为依托,以农业安置为主要形式,因而异地能否提供相当数量和质量的土地资源条件已成为农业移民安置的基础和前提。本文在分析漫湾水电站移民安置基本教训的基础上,提出了水电开发中失地农民异地安置的土地资源保障对策措施,为云南省今后合理安置水电开发中的失地农民、推进全省水电开发建设的健康、有序进行和经济社会的和谐发展提供科学依据,并供国内外类似省(区)在安置水电开发中失地移民时作参考。 Yunnan Province is rich in hydroelectric resources in Western China, the hydroelectric industry is one of the five mainstays of Yunnan' s economy. For transforming these resources into economic benefits, a total of 87 large and medium-sized hydraulic power stations will be built in Yunnan during the next two decades. There are large amounts of land resources to be used and more than 520000 land-losing farmers need to be relocated. Land is the lifeblood of farmers. To revitalize the relocated farmers, it is essential to provide them with agricultural-oriented new lands, the availability of adequate and quality land resources in the new locations serves as the basis and precondition of the farmer relocation. Based on the analysis, of the lessons from the farmer relocation during the construction of the Manwan hydraulic power station, the authors of this paper would advance the countermeasures of land resource security for relocating land-losing farmers in hydroelectric development and try to provide the reference for reasonable farmer relocation caused by the future hydraulic power stations construction. It is important for the healthy and orderly hydroelectric development and the harmonious economic construction in Yunnan, as well as it provides a reference for other parts of the country or for the other similar situations.
出处 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期9-13,共5页 Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2005038384) 云南省人民政府项目<云南省大中型水电建设移民安置用地规划>
关键词 水力发电 移民安置 土地资源需求 土地资源保障 水电移民安置用地规划 hydroelectric engineering relocation for land-losing farmers land resources demand land resources security land use planning for relocating land-losing farmers in hydroelectric development
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