电子血压计克服了水银血压计操作专业化强,不易携带等缺点,呈现出家用化的趋势。首先从分析血压测量方法入手定出了系统工作原理。然后用基于PIC 16F877为控制核心辅以气压传感器和外围的模拟电路以及LCD驱动芯片组成的硬件结构实现了电子血压计的设计。同时介绍了PIC 16F877内的软件流程。经过电子血压计实物样机测试,其功能完全达到实际使用的要求。该电子血压计设计具有低成本、小型化、低功耗、自动化程度高的优点,有较高的实用价值。
The disadvantages of mercury blood pressure monitor such as demand of professional operating and not portable can be overcome by electronic blood pressure monitor,which causes the trend towards family expenses. At First, principle of the system is schemed after analyzing the method of measuring blood pressure. Then the hardware structure based on kernel controller PIC16F877,air press sensor,analogy circuit and LCD module is implemented. The firmware flow is also presented. According to verify result of the electronic blood pressure monitor prototype,all request is meet. There are several advantages such as low cost,small sized, low power consumption and high automation in this design of electronic blood pressure monitor, which has much practical value.
Modern Electronics Technique