
锌冶炼-氯碱生产复合污染区土壤汞的空间分布 被引量:19

The Spatial Distribution of Soil Mercury in the Area Suffering Combined Pollution by Zinc Smelting and Chlor-alkai Production
摘要 研究了锌冶炼一氯碱生产复合区土壤汞污染及其空间分布特征。区域土壤汞污染严重,表层土壤汞含量为0.055~14,575mg kg^-1,平均值为1,435mg kg^-1,高于下层,高于区域土壤背景值38倍。土壤表层汞含量以锌冶炼厂和氯碱厂及其附近为中心,向外围辐散降低,呈双中心分布;锌厂周围山地土壤汞含量随海拔高度的增加而升高,表层土壤汞分布模式显示出大气汞沉降作用的影响。运用Muller地累积指数进行风险评价得出,土壤100%处于汞污染风险中,其中中等污染-强污染、强污染-极严重污染、极重污染,分别占26.3%、21.1%、32.9%。锌冶炼-氯碱复合区是我国汞污染最重的地区之一,其生态风险、人群健康风险应引起重视。 The characteristics of spatial distribution of soil mercury in the area suffering zinc smelting and chlor - alkai production were studied. The mercury content in surface soil layer was 0.055 - 14.575 mg/kg, with the mean value 1. 435 mg/kg, which was higher than that in the lower layer and 38 times higher than that of the regional background value. Therefore, the regional soil was heavily polluted by mercury. The mercury content in surface soil layer decreased radiately around the dual centers of the factory for zinc smelting and chlor - alkai production. The soil mercury content in the mountainous area around the factory increased upwardly with the increase of altitude. The distributional pattern of soil mercury content manifested the influence of atmosphere disposition of mercury. Using geo - accumulation index developed by Muller, we found that all the 76 samples were in danger of mercury pollution and the percentage of the middle - heavily polluted, the heavily - most heavily polluted and the most heavily polluted were 26.3, 21.1 and 32.9% ,respectively. The area is one of the areas suffering the most heavy mercury pollution and we should pay more attention to its ecological and public health risks.
出处 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期361-364,共4页 Chinese Journal of Soil Science
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(kzcx3-sw-437)
关键词 土壤汞 空间分布 大气沉降 锌冶炼 氯碱生产 Soil mercury Spatial distribution Atmosphere deposition Zinc smelting Chlor - alkali production
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