Objective:The purpose was to assess the incidence of inferior-vena caval/tricuspid valve (IVC-TA) isthmus dependent atrial flutter (IDAF) and the effectiveness and safety of catheter ablation tollowing heart disease surgery.
Methods:Forty patients of atrial tachyarrhythmias after surgically corrected heart disease received catheter ablation in our hospital from January 2002 to April 2006. Thirty-four patients were ablated by guiding three dimensions mapping system ( Carto and Ensite 3000)and six patients were ablated by routine electrophysiological method.
Results: Forty patients were induced 50 atrial tachycardias,31 episodes were typical atrial flutter electrocardiogram morphyology, and the successful ablation targets were involved in the isthmus between IVC-TA. Nineteen( 19/50,38% ) IART with P' wave had successful ablation targets at the right free wall (Scar-IVC isthmus, Scar-SVC isthmus and Scar-Scar isthmus). The slow conduction zone involved the region of the right atriotomy scar in 17/19 IART circuits and the atrial septal patch area in 2/ 19 IART circuits. Successful ablation was accomplished in all circuits and no procedural complications. Only one patient was seen recurrent IART after a mean follow-up of 27± 6 months.
Conclusions : IDAF is the most common mechanisms of atrial reentrant tachyarrhythmias in patients with surgically corrected congenital heart disease. The majority of circuits involve the inferior-vena caval/tricusoid valve isthmus.
Chinese Circulation Journal
Isthmus dependent atrial flutter
Intra atrial reentrant taehycardia
Congenital heart disease surgery
Catheter ablation