目的探讨CDFI、CDE、SonoCT对涎腺肿物的临床应用价值,旨在不断提高诊断符合率。方法使用ATL-HD l5000彩色多普勒超声诊断仪对48例住院患者行超声检测。所有病例均经病理证实。结果CDFI显示恶性肿物的血流信号检出率高。良、恶性肿物的血流信号检出率分别为33.3%(11/33)、73.3%(11/15)。两者有显著性差异。CDE显示的血流信号更丰富。采用SonoCT技术获得图像,与二维图像比较斑点的影响明显减少,改进了对比分辨力:较小的病变可被SonoCT检出。结论CDFI和CDE技术对涎腺肿物的囊、实性和良、恶性诊断及鉴别诊断具有重要参考价值。SonoCT技术应用于涎腺肿物,为涎腺疾病的诊断增添了新的手段,是一种简单无创的新技术,可作为涎腺疾病筛选诊断方法之一。综合应用上述技术并结合临床资料,提高了涎腺肿物的超声诊断率。
Objectives To study the clinical application value of CDFI, SonoCTand CDE technique in diagnosing salivary masses and improve the coincidence of diagnosis. Methods 48 inpatients in the oral surgery of our hospital were observed with ATL - HDI 5000 color doppler ultrasound scanner. All cases were proved by pathology. Results Results demonstrated that the blood flow detective rate of the malignant masses was high. The detective rate of benign masses was 33.3%(11/33 ) , and the detective rate of malignant masses was 73.3% (11/ 15). There were significant differences between them. In the study, CDE was used to observe the blood flow in the lesions of 47 patients and it could find richer blood flow signals under the same conditions. Comparing with two dimension imaging, Sono CT which significantly reduced speckles had the ability to improve the contrast resolution. The Soho CT could detect smaller lesions. Conclusions High -frequency ultrasound can determine whether there are space occupyinglesions in the gland. However, CDFI and CDE techniques show an important value in diagnosing and differentially diagnosing salivary masses. The application of Sono CT techniques in the salivary masses add new means in diagnosing salivary diseases, and it is a new noninvasive technique, so it may be served as one of the mothods in screening and diagnosing salivary diseases. The uhrasonographic diagnosis rate of salivary masses can be improved by the combination of niques. comprehensive application of aforementioned techniques.
Journal of Hebei Medical College for Continuing Education