This paper deals with the Leaf Age Model (LAM) for different organs morphological diagnose in hybrid maize. The length and area of various leaf blade in plant model can be described as the regression equation: y=a+bx+cx 2, where y is the length and area of leaf blade, x is the node location of various leaf blade. The synchronous relationship for blade, sheath and internode changes with various growth stages. From seedling stage to shooting stage, the relation was the Nth to (N-2)th and (N-3)th; From shooting stage to big-bell stage, the relation became the Nth to (N-3)th and (N-4)th; From them on,the Nth blode, the (N-4)th sheath and the (N-5)th internode is synchronous organs.The maximum shooted nodel location of roots can be used by the formula: R=12(L-1), where R is the maximum location of model roots, L is the number of expanded leaves. The authors divided the corn generative spike differentiation into ten morphologioal stages. The foliage diagnose equtation using expanded leaves number was y=-0.03746(x-20) 2+10. They can be achieved good result for production in Jiangxi Province.
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi