分布式信息融合系统的拓扑结构,先以信息使用节点及信息处理节点所固有的层次关系为基础设计其层次结构。信息源节点则按其与信息处理节点的固有连接作为层次结构的叶子节点进行连接。然后开始构造同层节点的侧连接。最后通过选定参数、处理对应/不对应信息融合节点等步骤构造de Bruijn网。
The topology structure of distributed information fusion system designs the layer structure based on the inherent layer relation of information using nodes and information processing nodes. The information source nodes take the inherent connection among information processing nodes as the leaf nodes of layer structure and connect them. Then, the side connections of the layer nodes are established. At last, the de Bruijn network is established after selecting parameters, and processing corresponding/non-corresponding information fusion nodes.
Ordnance Industry Automation