
超细煤焦的细度对再燃还原NO的影响 被引量:6

Influence of the Micro-pulverized Coal Char Fineness on NO Reduction by Reburning
摘要 以烟煤和褐煤混煤超细煤粉制作的煤焦作为再燃燃料,用N2,O2,CO2,NO配制模拟烟气,在立式携带流反应器中进行了煤焦再燃还原NO的实验,研究了超细煤焦的细度对炉内1300℃高温烟气中再燃还原NO的影响。结果表明:①NO的还原效率随着超细煤焦细度的提高而增大;②在再燃燃料比为20%~25%、再燃区的初始氧浓度为2%~4%的工况范围内,煤焦细度对NO还原效率的影响显著;⑧在其它情况相同的条件下,当煤焦细度由154μm筛下提高到7μm筛下时,再燃还原NO的效率增加幅度不大;当煤焦细度由71μm筛下提高到45μμm筛下时,再燃还原NO的效率大幅度增加;④NO还原效率与煤焦粒径的2次方成反比。 The experiment of the micronized coal char reducing NO was done in entrained flow reactor, N2, O2, CO2, NO was mixed into simulated flue gas and fuel was coal char made from micronized coal powder mixture of bituminous coal and lignite. The influence of fineness of micronized coal char on the reduction of NO in flue gas at 1300~C was investigated. Experimental results show that① the reduction efficiency of NO increases with the decreasing of the particle size of coal char;②the fineness of coal char has an important influence on the reduction efficiency of NO when reburning fuel ratio was 20%-25% and initial oxygen concentration was 2%-4% in reburning zone; ③when the size of coal char particle decreases from 154μm to 7 μm, the reduction efficiency of NO does not increase greatly, while coal char panicle decreases from 71μm to 45μm, the reduction efficiency of NO increase largely; ④the reduction efficiency of NO is inverse proportional to the square of coal char fineness.
机构地区 华北电力大学
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期22-25,共4页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家电力公司科技攻关项目(KJ000-02-16-03)
关键词 超细煤焦 细度 再燃 NO 携带流反应器 micro-pulverized coal char fineness reburning NO entrained flow reactor
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