研究了25 kg感应炉熔炼的Co-Ni-Cr-Mo二次硬化超高强度钢(%:0.16C、11.0Ni、2.0Cr、3.0Mo、14.0Co)经460-580℃时效后的组织和力学性能。试验结果表明,该钢经860℃淬火+(-73℃)冷处理+480℃时效后,组织中存在大量弥散分布的针状M(Co,Mo)2C碳化物,钢的屈服强度Rp0.2达到最大值1 685 MPa,冲击功AKV为20 J;在550℃过时效状态下,板条边界逆转变奥氏体量明显增加,AKV增至32 J,同时Rp0.2下降至1 320 MPa。
Structure and mechanical properties of Co-Ni-Cr-Mo secondary hardening ultra-high strength steel 0. 16C, 11.0Ni, 2.0Cr, 3.0Mo, 14. 0Co melted by a 25 kg induction furnace and aged at 460 -580 ℃ have been studied. Test results showed that with 860 ℃ quenching + cold treatment at -73 ℃ + aging at 480 ℃, there was large amount dispersed acicular M( Co, Mo)2 C precipitates in structure of steel, yield strength Rpo.2 of steel was up to maximum value 1 685 MPa, impact energy Axv was 20 J; with overaged condition at 550 ℃, as amount of reverse transformation austenite at lath boundary obviously increased, AKv increased to 32 J and Rpo.2 decreased to 1 320 MPa.
Special Steel