本文记述在贵州境内采到的带叶蝉属Scaphoideus Uhler 4新种:红横带叶蝉S.erythraeous sp.nov.;褐横带叶蝉S.testaceous sp.nov.;白斑带叶蝉S.albomaculotus sp.nov.;黑纹带叶蝉S.nigrisignus sp.nov.,文中对每个新种的形态和雄性外生殖器的构造特征作了详细描述,并附有特征图。
The present paper describes four new species of the genus Scaphoideus from Guizhou, China. All type specimens are deposited in the Guizhou Agricultural College.1. Scaphoideus erythraeous sp. nov. (figs. 1-6)This species is allied to Scaphoideus festivus Matsumura, but separated by its smaller size, the crown with a transverse fascia, the pronotum with an anterior margin and a transverse discal fascia and scutellar basal area red, especially by the male genitalia distinctly different.Length (incl. teg.): ♂ 4.5mm, ♀ 5.2mm.Holotype cf, allotype ♂, paratypes 1♀, 1♂ Wangmo (25°H’N, 106°05’E), Guizhou, 21. ♀. 1986.2. Scaphoideus testaceous sp. nov. (figs. 7-13)This species is allied to the foregoing species, Scaphoideus erythraeous, but can readily be disting uished by the transverse fasciae of the crown, pronotum and basal area of scutellum brownish-yellow, the basal area of the face with four transverse black striae, the male geni-tania distinctly different.Length (incl. teg.): ♂ 4.8mm, ♀ 5.2mm.Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ Guiyang (25°35’N, 106°43’E), Guizhou, 15. Ⅵ. 1983.3. Scaphoideus albomaculatus sp. nov. (figs. 14-20)This species is very similar to Scaphoideus nitobei Matsumura, but different in the fron- toclypeus, genae, lora are brownish-black, the markings of the legmen and the male genitania are very different.Lenglh (incl. teg.): ♂ 6.2mm.Holotype ♂, paratype 1♂, Wuchuan (28°31’N, 107°53’E), Guizhou, 18. Ⅵ. 1987.4. Scaphoideus ntgrisignus sp. nov. (figs. 21-27)This species is allied to Scaphoideus aurantiacus Kuoh, hut can readily be distinguished by (1) the relatively larger size, (2) the crown with only one black transverse stria, (3) the tegmen with two oblique veins on apical half of costal area, (4) the lateralmargins of the scutellum with two black spots,Length (incl. teg.): ♂ 5.2 mm, ♀ 5.8mm.Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratype 1♂, Wuchuan (28°31’N, 107°53’E), Guizhou, 15. Ⅶ. 1985.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica