本文详细报道了四川省淡水蟹类8个新种及亚种:Potamiscus elaphrius sp. nov., P. rongjingense sp. nov., Trichopotamon yenyuanense sp. nov., Aparapotamon muliense sp. nov., Isolapotamon sheni sp. nov., Sinopotamon weiyuanense sp. nov., S. shensiense wushanense subsp. nov. S. nanum sp. nov.
The present paper deals with the freshwater crab fauna of Sichuan Province based on the materials mainly collected by the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica since the 1960's. Some of them were taken from the Mt. Hengduan of Southwest mountainous area in 1981-1984. Materials collected by the Institute of Parasitology of Sichuan Province during the survey of Paragonimaisis have also been studied. A total of 257 numbers of specimens from 74 counties were examinined, and 25 species and subspecies belonging to 3 families and 5 genera were identified. Among them, 8 species and subspecies are considered to be new to science. All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.Discriptions of New Taxa Potamiscus elaphrius sp. nov. Dai et Chen (pl. I: 1, fig. 1)Holotype ♂ (SC8287072A), An County (31°8'N, 104°4'E), May 1985; allotype ♀ (SC8287072B), Baishi Country, Wenchuan County (31°4'N, 103°6'E), August 4, 1982; paratypes 16♂♂ (5 juv.), 10♀♀ (3 juv.), Yingxiu Country Wenchuan County, August 5, 1982; 16♂♂, 8♀♀ (5 juv.) Shuimo Country, Wenchuan County, August 5, 1982.This new species shares most features with P. loshingense Wu 1935, differing mainly in having the last segment of first pleopod more slender and not bent outwards ventrally.Potamiscus rongjingense sp. nov. Dai et Chen (pl. I: 2, fig. 2)Holotype ♂ (SC8487080), paratypes 3♂♂, Sping Country, Rongjing County (29°7'N, 102°8'E), June 25, 1984This new species is closed to P. elaphrius sp. nov. but the frontal border nearly stright not concave. The epibranchial tooth more acute. The movable finger longer than the manus. The last segment of first pleopod of male tapering to the distal portion, its extrimity truncated.Trichopotamon yenyunense sp. nov. Dai et Chen (pl. I:3, fig. 3)Holotype ♂ (SC8487078A), allotype ♀ (SC8487078B), paratypes 25♂♂ (19 juv.), 13♀♀ (7 juv.), Yenyun County (27°4'N, 101°4'E), December 9, 1984.It is closed to T. daliense Dai et Chen 1985, but the last segment of firs
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Crustacea Malacostraca Decapoda Freshwater crab New species new subspecies