

Effects of Forest Variety on Runoff and Sediment in the Three-Gorge Region of Yangtze River
摘要 针对长江三峡地区森林变化及降雨、径流及泥沙运动的特点,采用流域自身对比法,在长江三峡库区选择了雾渡河流域的森林、径流及泥沙等观测数据,研究径流及泥沙运动特性。分析研究了森林变化与年径流量、枯水期径流量、洪枯比及年输沙模数间的关系。结果表明,在雾渡河流域内,森林覆盖率每减少1个百分点,年径流深增加3.55mm,枯水期径流深减少4.61mm;活立木总蓄积量每减少1万m3,年径流深增加3.75mm;枯水期径流深减少4.87mm。森林覆盖率每减少1个百分点,洪枯比增加0.83,年输沙模数增加67.5t/(km2.a);活立木总蓄积量每减少1万m3,洪枯比增加0.88,年输沙模数增加71.3t/(km2.a)。 In accordance with the characteristics of forest variety, precipitation, runoff and sediment movement of Three-Gorge region of Yangtze River, the properties of runoff and sediment movement is studied by the method of watershed comparison with itself, based on the observations on forest, runoff, sediment, etc of Wuduhe watershed in Three-Gorge region of Yangtze River. The influence of forest variety on annual runoff, scanty runoff, ratio of peak discharge to low flow and annual sediment delivery modulus is studied. The results show that annual runoff will increase by 3.75 mm and scanty runoff will decrease by 4.61 mm if forest cover decreases by 1%, and annual runoff will increase by 3.75 mm and scanty runoff will decrease by 4.87 mm if forest volume decreases by 10 000 m^3. At the same time, ratio of peak discharge to low flow will increase by 0.83 and annual sediment delivery modulus will increase by 67. 5 t/(km^2·a) if forest cover decreases by 1%, and ratio of peak discharge to low flow will increase by 0.88 and annual sediment delivery modulus will increase by 71.3 t/(km^2·a) if forest volume decreases by 10 000 m^3.
机构地区 北京林业大学
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期1-3,共3页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家重点研究发展计划(973计划)"长江上游环境变化与产水产沙作用机制"(课题编号:2003CB415202)的资助
关键词 三峡地区 森林变化 径流泥沙 Three-Gorge region forest variety runoff and sediment
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