Objective To investigate the applied perineal anatomy of the pudendal nerve of female and its direction to perlneal operation. Methods The gross anatomy were done on 20 female cadaver ( ensuring the pelvic, the hip and the perineum were intact). In each cadaver, the dissection proceeded from intrapelvic, the pudendal canal (Alcock' canal) and the ischiorectal fossa. The composition, track, abut, ramus and domination area of female pudendal nerve were examined. Results The gross anatomy showed that the pudendal nerve was composed of the ventro - branches of sacral nerve 2 - 4 ( S2 - S4 ). The pudendal nerve sends off anal branch at level of the ischial spine. And the trunk courses in the internal pudendal canal forwardly and inwardly send off the perineal nerves and dorsal nerve of clitoris. The perineal nerves sends off branches to back lunar labium, muscle and urethra. The dorsal nerve of clitoris sends off the nerve to skin of clitoris, and some to the urethra simultaneously. The pudendal nerve has different abut in different anatomical position. Conclusions The perineal anatomy of the pudendal nerve has the meaningful direction to the perineal operations.
Journal of Kunming Medical College
Pudendal nerve
Clinical anatomy