目的了解山东省5类人群艾滋病知识水平,评价项目实施健康教育效果,调整下一步健康教育的内容和方法。方法2004年9 ̄10月,在山东省6个全球基金项目县,采用整群抽样、连续抽样与方便样本相结合的方法,对5类人群进行问卷调查。结果5类人群艾滋病知识总体知晓率分别为:一般村民67.59%、中学生58.47%、既往有偿献血员61.61%、性病门诊就诊者69.83%、暗娼59.34%;实际获得和喜欢获得艾滋病知识的途径均以电视为主,分别占72.60%和71.38%。结论5类人群均对艾滋病知识了解较少,获得艾滋病防治知识的来源范围较窄,应充分发挥当地现有各种媒体资源和可利用卫生资源,开展内容丰富多彩、形式多样的宣传教育方式,使社会各类人群掌握艾滋病防治知识,提高对艾滋病的认识,从而预防控制艾滋病。
Objective The survey was designed to learn the status of the knowledge level about AIDS among the 5 kinds of populations and assess the effect of health education implemented in the project, so as to adjust the content and methods of the following health education. Methods During September and October in the year of 2004, the 5 kinds of populations were surveyed through questionnaires by the combined collecting method of cluster sampling, continuous sampling and convenience sampling in 6 counties of Shandong Province in the Global Fund project. The five kinds of populations included ordinary villagers, high school students, paid blood donors, STD clinic clients, and female sex workers. Results The overall awareness of AIDS related knowledge in the five populations were: 67.59% for ordinary villagers, 58.47% for high school students, 61.61% for paid blood donors, 69.83% for STD clinic clients and 59.34% for the female sex workers. Television was the main actual approach (72.60%) and the most preferred way (71.38%) to receive AIDS related knowledge. Conclusions The 5 kinds of populations had very poor knowledge about AIDS, and they had quite limited resources of AIDS related knowledge, so it is significant to make full use of all sorts of local media power and available public health services and develop various interesting and meaningful public educations on a large scale, so as to ensure that all the multitude can master enough knowledge of AIDS and have a better understanding of it, and prevent and control AIDS.
Disease Surveillance
5 kinds of populations, AIDS related knowledge
ouestionnaire survey