

Recent Development about Mechanisms of Short QT Syndrome
摘要 短QT综合征是近来被认识的一种遗传性心律失常综合征,以持续性QT间期缩短,家族性心悸,晕厥,猝死和阵发性房颤发生率高,有效不应期缩短和电生理研究中诱发心室颤动为特征。本文结合了近年来的研究发现,综述了短QT综合征的发病机制,电生理特点。 Short QT syndrome is a recently described genetic arrhythmia syndrome characterized by constantly short QT intervals, high familial incidence of palpitations, syncope, sudden death and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, short refractory periods( ERPs), and inducible ventricular fibrillation at electrophysiologic study. This article reviews short QT syndrome about its pathogenesis and electrophysiological characters from recent study data.
出处 《医学综述》 2007年第5期387-389,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 心律失常 猝死 QT间期 遗传学 离子通道 Arrhythmia Sudden death QT intervals Genetics Ion channels
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