Objective To assess the efficacy of one-staged anterior radical debridement, decompression, and fusion with anterior and/or posterior spinal instrumentation and immobilization with frame or plaster in the treatment of cervical spine tuberculosis. Methods A total of 16 patients with cervical tuberculous spondylitis underwent anterior debridement, bone fusion, and stabilization with anterior and/or posterior approach. The juvenile patients underwent debridement, bone graft and plaster immobilization only. All cases were treated with regular antitubereulosis drugs. Resets The follow-up range was 2 to 5 years. The overall fusion rate was 100% on the dynamic cervical lateral views in 5. 8 months. The kyphosis angles were corrected postoperatively averaged 32.4°. The JOA score were increased from 2 to 10 in the first postoperative month,5.7 on average. Conclusions The transcervical retropharyngeal approach to the anterior upper cervical spine provides direct access to the lesion and avoids the potential bacterial contamination of the oral and pharyngeal cavity. The use of one-staged anterior radical debridement, decompression, and fusion with anterior and/or posterior spinal instrumentation or immobilization in the treatment of cervical spine tuberculosis is effective to correct deformity such as segmental kyphosis and atlanto-axial dislocation, to reconstruct the stability of the cervical spine, to enhance the bone graft fusion and to facilitate the early ambulation of the patients.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics
:ervical vertebrae/surgery
tuberculosis, spinal/surgery
internal fixation
bone graft