山茶科Theaceae之山茶属Camellia L.约有220余种,为亚洲特有植物,主要分布我国南部、西南部、东南部省区.据不完全统计贵州野生种有52种6变种,其中特有种21种.该属植物是分布区重要的森林组成种类,特别是在地带性的常绿阔叶林中尤其显著;同时,该属植物具有极高的经济价值,如茶叶是世界著名的饮料、茶油是重要的食用和药用油料、茶花是全球有名的观赏花卉等.至今,对该属植物的开发利用远远落后于时代的要求,本文在研究该属植物地理分布的基础上,侧重于对有观赏价值的种类,结合近几年来的研究成果,提出了一些建议.
There are about 220 species of plants belonging to Camellia L. of Theaceae, which are all the endemic species of Asia and are mainly discovered in South China , Southwest China and Southeast China. In Guizhou province, there are about , according to investigation, 52 species of wild camellia, as well as 6 varieties. The plants belonging to Camellia L. are key ones in forests of the camellia distributing area, especially in geographical,zonal and everygreen broad leaf forests. Morever, the plants belonging to Camellia L. have high economic value, e.g. their leaves are famous meterial for beverage (tea), the oils from camellia are important edible and medical ones, and camellia are world famous ornamental flowers. The development and utilization of camellia hasn't yet met the demand of society. On the basis of the geographical distribution study and recent year's achievements gained from genera of Camellia L. especially ones with higher ornamental value, the authors put formard some proposals in this paper.
Guizhou Science
geographical distribution
genera of Camellia