

The Erlich-Alter Incident and Its Effects on Soviet Diplomatic Policy
摘要 “埃利希—阿尔特事件”是“二战”期间由于苏联当局谋杀波兰两个享有国际声望的犹太工人领袖埃利希和阿尔特而在世界上引起轩然大波的外交事件。1941年9月,苏联政府为了动员一切力量支援卫国战争,将羁押两年之久的埃利希和阿尔特释放出狱,并允诺他们组建国际性的犹太人反希特勒委员会。当发现这一计划威胁到苏联的现行体制时,又将他们打入囹圄,并用苏联犹太人反法西斯委员会取而代之。斯大林格勒战役胜利后,苏联为了维护自己在波兰的长远利益,秘密处死了阿尔特(埃利希此前已自杀)。这一事件在国际舆论界激起了强烈的抗议和反苏浪潮,为了平息事端,斯大林不得不派苏联犹太人代表团出使盟国,以修旧好。 Erlich and Alter, the two worker leaders with a world fame, were assassinated by the Soviet authorities during "World War II", which, known as the "Erlich-Alter incident", caused a great sensation in the diplomatic world in the day. In September, 1941, Soviet government, to mobilize all forces to support the nation-defending war, set free Erlich and Alter who had been imprisoned for two years and promised them to found an international Jewish Anti-Hitler committee. Later when the Soviet found that this program might threaten the existing institutions of Soviet Union, it cast the two Jewish leaders into prison again and substituted their organization with an anti-Hitler committee of Jews in Soviet. After the Stalingrad campaign was won, Soviet Union killed Alter secretly (up till now, Erlich had taken suicide) to preserve its long-term interests in Poland. This incident started a global protest and anti-Soviet tide that Stalin was forced to send a delegation of Jews in Soviet to mend its relationship with other allies to subside the effects of the incident.
作者 宋永成
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期85-92,共8页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 “埃利希-阿尔特事件” 犹太人反希特勒委员会 苏联外交政策 美国 "Erlich-Alter Incident" the Jewish Anti-Hitler Committee Soviet diplomatic policy United States
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