采用同心环波纹碟片填料和不锈钢波纹丝网两种填料,在气液逆流CO2吸收操作时,对旋转床的功耗及气体压降进行了对比实验分析。功耗特性对比结果表明,当液流量不变,旋转床转速低于38 rad/s时,丝网填料旋转床吸收器消耗的功率大于碟片填料旋转床吸收器消耗的功率;转速高于38 rad/s时则相反。气体压降特性对比结果表明,在液流量和旋转床转速不变的操作条件下,碟片填料旋转床的气体压降要大于丝网填料旋转床的气体压降约50 Pa;在气流量和转速不变的操作条件下,当液流量较小时,丝网填料旋转床的气体压降大于碟片填料旋转床的气体压降;当液流量较大时则相反。在相同气流量和液流量下,碟片旋转床气体压降要大于丝网填料旋转床气体压降。研究结果为AIP系统旋转床吸收器的填料优选及全系统的优化设计提供了重要的依据。
A comparative study is made of characteristics of consumed power and pressure drop in rotating packed bed (RPB) absorbing CO2 by using wave form disk plate packing and wire packing when the gasiquid is in counter-current flow. The contrasted results of characteristics of consumed power indicate that: the consumed power in RPB using wave form disk plate packing is less than the consumed power in RPB using wire packing in the same fluid flux; when the fluid flux is bigger, the result is inverse; when the fluid flux is invariable and the rotating speed is less than 38 rad/s, the consumed power in RPB using wave form disk plate packing is less than the consumed power in RPB using wire packing in the same rotating speed; when the rotating speed is more than 38 rad/s, the result is inverse. The compared characteristics of pressure drop of the two kinds of packing indicate that: when the fluid flux and the rotating speed are invariable, the pressure drop in RPB using wave form disk plate packing is almost 50 Pa higher than the pressure drop in RPB using wire packing; when the gas flow and the rotating speed are invariable and the fluid flux is smaller, the pressure drop of wire packing RPB is higher than the pressure drop in wave form disk plate packing RPB in the same fluid flux; when the fluid flux is larger, the result is the inverse; when the gas flow and the fluid flux are invariable, the pressure drop of wave form disk plate packing RPB is higher than pressure drop in wire packing RPB in the same rotating speed. These studies offer important reference to the optimization of the RPB absorber and the all AIP system.
Journal of Naval University of Engineering
rotating packed bed
consumed power
gas pressure drop
disk plate packing
wire packing