为预测焦化废水A1-A2-O-M工艺O-M段在其优化运行参数下,去除化学需氧量(COD)和氨氮的达标情况,利用好氧反应器对焦化废水进行了实验研究,并利用Matlab分别对好氧反应器(O段)和复合生物反应器(M段)长期运行的出水COD和氨氮浓度进行估计。分析得出,该工艺长期运行的出水COD质量浓度均值小于150 mg/L的概率为0.8974;出水氨氮质量浓度均值为0.63 mg/L,出现概率为0.999 9。研究结果分别达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)中第二类污染物最高允许排放要求的二级标准和一级标准。
Using Matlab, this article computed the effluent COD and NH3-N concentration of the aerobic reactor and the hybrid biological reactor operating for long at the optimal parameters respectively, in order to forecast the condition that the stage of O-M in process of A1-A2-O-M remove COD and NH3-N up to par. It concluded that the probability of the average concentration of the effluent COD less than 150 mg/L (reach the second level about the second kinds of contamination allowing let demand in national standards (GB8978-1996)) would be 0. 897 4, while process operates for long; the probability of the average concentration of the effluent NH3-N was 0.63 mg/L would be 0. 999 9, while process operates for long, it can reach the first level about the second kinds of contamination allowing let demand in national standards (GB8978-1996).
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology