

The Effect of Family Factors on Students' Vocational Ideal in Private-Owned Middle School
摘要 运用有关问卷,对浙江省诸暨市某民办学校827名初高中生进行调查,结果显示:(1)民办学校中学生职业理想种类分布比较集中,又很狭窄;同时存在重视脑力劳动工作、轻视体力劳动工作的倾向。(2)所列的家庭诸因素中,年均收入、父亲职业、家庭亲密度、家庭亲和性4个因素是影响职业理想的稳定因素。 The study adopts some questionnaires to investigate 827 students from private-owned middle schools in Zhuji city, Zhejiang province. The findings of the study are as follows :①The range of vocational ideal is concentrative but limited, and there is a tendency that they esteem mental work and despise manual labor. ②In the listed family factors, family average income in a year, father' s vocation, Family Cohesion, and Family Appetency are the steady factors to affect the vocational ideal.
出处 《四川教育学院学报》 2007年第2期21-24,共4页 Journal of Sichuan College of Education
关键词 家庭矛盾与亲密度 家庭沟通 家庭依恋 民办学校中学生 职业理想 family conflict and intimacy family communication family attachment students from private -owned middle school vocational ideal
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