目的对胎盘感染乙型肝炎病毒危险因素进行研究。方法免疫组织化学ABC法检测胎盘HBsAg,其结果阳性者即判定为胎盘感染。结果151例胎盘中有22例发生HBsAg感染,胎盘从母体面到胎儿面均有感染且感染率逐渐降低;产前注射HBIG3次以上(OR=0.059)、生产史(OR=3.292)和母血清HBV rcDNA阳性(OR=4.786)是胎盘感染的危险因素;产前注射HBIG 3次以上和母血清HBV rcDNA阳性被引入回归模型。结论孕妇的病毒的携带情况(母亲血清HBV rcDNA阳性)是胎盘感染的危险因素,产前注射HBIG可很好的预防胎盘的感染。
Objective To investigate risk factors of placenta being infected by HBV. Methods HBsAg in placenta was detected by immunohistochemistry,the positive result was determined as placental infection. Results 22 of 151 placentas were infected by HBsAg. Infectious rate gradually decresed from maternal side to fetus side; The risk factors of placenta infected HBsAg include history of labor(OR= 3. 292) antepartum injection HBIG more than three times(OR=0.059) and HBV rcDNA positive in maternal serum(OR= 4. 786), the last two factors were introduced into regression model. Conclusion HBV rcDNA positive in maternal serum is the risk furor of placental infection, placenta HBV infection can be prevented to some extent by antepartum injection HBIG more than three times.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy