Objective To investigate the clinical practical value of APC and curative effect. Methods With 70 cases of digestive tract polyps in the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University from Feb. 2004 to Feb. 2006, radically cure the wide outsole and applanate polyps with APC, using the type of APC 300EA endoscope agron scalpel (manufactured by German ERBE company). The patients who had the wide outsole and applanate polyps whose diameter was between O. :2 - 0. 8 cm will only be treated by APC. The patients who had the polyps of thin pedicel,thick pedicel as well as wide and big outsole whose diameter was between 1.0 - 2.0 cm were excised by high-frequency electrocision, and after that these patients were treated by APC to hemostasis. Results All of the patients were healed. The excision was successful in :2 cases that had 50 polyps,2 cases that had more than 20 polyps and 3 cases that had more than 10 polyps. All cases were excised in one time. And there were 2 patients having been excised more than 30 colon multiple big polyps only by snare. There were only 2 patients having symptomless air bubble under the local mucosa, but without complication in the inspection after one week. Conclusion During the treatment of the all kinds of digestive tract diseases, the method of APC combined with the high-frequency electrocision has the merit of good safety,efficient hemostasis, rare side complications and convenient operation. And it can be the chief method specially for the applanate and wide outsole polyps.
Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine
Agron plasma coagulation
Digestive tract polyp