在兰州市郊区共捕获蜥蜴107只,其中丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)52只,草原沙蜥(Phrynocephalus frontalis)55只.其种群密度分别为丽斑麻蜥129只/hm2,草原沙蜥100只/hm2.2个种群划分为亚成体组和成体组后,平均吻肛长(SVL)丽斑麻蜥的亚成体组为34.2 mm,成体组为54.5 mm;草原沙蜥的亚成体组为35.4 mm,成体组为57.9 mm.种群性比(♀:♂)丽斑麻蜥为1∶1.07,草原沙蜥为1∶0.94,平均接近1∶1.调查结果表明:丽斑麻蜥和草原沙蜥2个种群的密度相差不大,二者的空间分布区域可以重叠,可以共处于同一生活环境中;丽斑麻蜥亚成体比草原沙蜥亚成体更生醒晚.蜥蜴体温主要受环境温度影响,通过行为调节来维持它们的正常生理机能.
In order to get the information about the population structure of lizards, 107 lizards are trapped from the outskirts of Lanzhou in Gansu respectively. The population density of E. argus is province. There are 52 E. argus and 55 P. frontalis 129/hm^2 and P. frontalis is 100/hm^2. Every population is divided into two classes(the submature class and the mature class). For E. argus the average of SVL is 34. 2 mm of the submature class and that of the mature class is 54.5 mm. For P. frontalis the average of SVL is 35.4 of the submature class, and that for the mature class is 57.9 mm. The sex ratio (♀:♂ ) of the population is 1 : 1.07 for E. argus and 1 : 0. 94 for P. frontalis, so they are close to 1 : 1. The results show that the two populations can live in one and the same area. Eremias argus wakes earlier than Phrynocephalus frontalis. The body temperature of lizards is influenced by the ambient temperature of the environment and their physiology can be maintained by their behaviors.
Journal of Gansu Sciences