
瑞典医疗风险监管体系的循证评价 被引量:19

Evidence-based Review on Medical Risk Management System in Swede
摘要 目的循证评价瑞典医疗风险监管体系,为我国医疗风险监测预警机制的建立提供借鉴。方法检索国内外相关数据库和网络信息资源,搜集有关瑞典医疗风险管理、医疗差错、病人安全和医疗保健方面的文献,语种限定为中文和英文,检索时间截止到2006年10月。应用循证科学的原理和方法,筛选和评价文献质量,进行描述性研究。结果根据纳入和排除标准,共纳入文献10篇,主要涉及医疗不安全事件、卫生保健、病人安全等内容。瑞典政府十分重视公共卫生,特别是初级保健在保障国民健康上的积极作用。通过实施抗生素合理使用与抗药性监督战略计划(STRAMA),加强药品监管;应用计算机医院管理系统,实行医疗质量管理反馈机制;建立病人安全监测系统等措施减少医疗差错,防范医疗风险,取得较好成效。结论瑞典卫生保健体系较完善,政府采取了诸多防范措施应对医疗不安全事件,在医疗风险监管方面取得了显著成绩,对建立我国医疗风险监测预警机制具有借鉴意义。 Objective From the view of evidence-based medicine to evaluate the medical risk management system of Swede in order to provide reference to build medical risk monitoring and prewarning mechanism in our country. Method We search related database and web based on unified search strategy making by our search group.This search was conducted in Oct 2006 and included articles about medical risk management, medical error, medical litigation and medical care.Language of articles were limited to English or Chinese. Results According to the included and excluded criteria, we included 10 articles involving medical adverse event, medical care and patient safety et al.Sweden made a great progress by strengthen drug monitoring, develop and apply computer electron medical record system, the quality Control feedback system as well as establish the patient safety monitoring system to reduce medical error and prevent medical risk. Meanwhile, Sweden government also emphasized public health enterprise, specially, poured a great focus on primary health care to safeguard public health. Conclusion The measures that Sweden prevented medical risk system and its good experience and lesson will provide us areference to construct medical risk monitoring and prewarning mechanism in our country, and all of these are to be worth for us to study.
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2007年第3期21-24,共4页 Chinese Hospital Management
基金 卫生部科学研究基金项目(WKJ2005-3-005)
关键词 医疗风险 医疗差错 病人安全 风险管理 瑞典 medical risk, medical error, patient safety, risk management, Sweden
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