In this paper, the experimental diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin (STZ, i. p. 50 mg/kg)were divided into three groups, electro-acupuncture (EA group, n = 8), transcutaneous electric nervestimulation (TENS group, n = 8), at bilateral Shenshu and Zusanli points for 20 minutes once every 2- 3 days for five weeks, and without any treatment (DM group, n = 6) respectively. As compared withthe DM group, the increased plasma glucose levels was lowered significantly in EA group (P< 0. 05)and slightly in TENS group(P >0. 05) by the end of the sixth week. And the symtoms of polyphagia,polydipsia and polyuria were attenuated in EA group. The motor nerve conduction velocity slowing wasprevented or corrected after a course of four and six weeks treatment in EA and TENS group respec-tively. In the DM and TENS groups the pain threshold was lowered at 6 - 20 days after injection ofSTZ, but elevated in EA group, their differences were of significance (P< 0. 05). In general, the effi-ciency of EA treatment on experimental diabetes and its neuropathy was better than that of TENStherapy.
Acupuncture Research