

Food habits of the spotted owlet Athene brama in central Punjab,Pakistan
摘要 横斑腹小鸮(Athene brama)是巴基斯坦旁遮普中部农业生态系统中最常见但研究匮乏的猛禽。我们通过分析吐弃块(n=498)以了解其季节性和地域性食性变化。结果显示:小型哺乳类占所有食物生物量的98.4%,而昆虫类在数量上占据绝对优势(56.4%)。在小型哺乳类食物中,鼠类(38.8%)是稳定的食物成分。而在昆虫食物中,甲虫最多(42.8%)。横斑腹小亦捕食鼩鼱类(2.3%)和鸟类(1.7%)。昆虫类食物还有蟑螂(6.4%)、臭虫(3.3%)、蝗虫(6.7%)和蚂蚁(3.2%)。小家鼠(Mus musculus)和柔毛鼠(Rattus meltada)在鼠类食物中出现频次最多。不同地区中,Hafizabad的食物多样性最高(2.07),而秋季的食物多样性最高(1.99)。 The spotted owlet Athene brama is the most common but the least studied bird of prey inhabiting the agroeeosystems of central Punjab, Pakistan. We analyzed pellets ( n = 498 ) of the spotted owlet to understand the seasonal and locality-related changes in its diet. Small mammals contributed 98.4 % of the total prey biomass consumed by the owlet. Insects however, were predominant (56.4%) numerically. Among small mammals, rats and mice (38.8%) were a staple food item. Beetles (42.8%) were the most frequent insect prey. Shrews (2.3%) and birds ( 1.7% ) also were consumed. Roaches (6.4%), bugs (3.3%), grasshoppers (6.7%), and ants (3.2%) were the other insect prey consumed by the owlet. The house mouse Mus musculus and the soft-furred field rat Rattus meltada were the most frequent rodents consumed. The greatest dietary diversity (2.07) was recorded at Hafizabad. Fall diet was the most diverse (1.99) of all seasonal samples.
出处 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期64-68,共5页 ACTA ZOOLOGICA SINICA
关键词 甲虫 食性 多样性 家鼠 小鼩鼱 Beetles, Diet, Diversity, House rat, Savi' s pygmy shrew
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