

Survey of Concentrations of Dust Mite Allergen and Lipopolysaccharide in Working Place and Home
摘要 目的探讨特殊职业人群工作场所对其居室内尘螨变应原及脂多糖含量的影响。方法2005年6月选取面粉加工作业(尘螨变应原暴露组,设为A组)及皮革加工作业人员(脂多糖暴露组,设为B组)各15名,收集其工作环境的浮尘、落尘及居室内地板尘、床铺尘,另选取某校教职工15名为对照组(设为C组),同样取上述尘样,共计360份。ELISA法检测样品中尘螨变应原Derp1、Derf1含量,鲎试剂动态比色法检测样品中脂多糖含量。结果A组变应原含量较高,其浮尘变应原含量与床铺尘、地板尘具有相关性(rs=0.661,P<0.01;rs=0.534,P<0.05);B组脂多糖含量较高,浮尘脂多糖含量与床铺尘、地板尘具有相关性(rs=0.689,P<0.01;rs=0.531,P<0.05)。结论工作环境中高水平的变应原及脂多糖含量是导致居室内相应污染物升高的重要原因。 Objective To explore the relationship between the concentrations of dust mite allergen and lipopolysacchafide (LPS) in the working place and home for the workers. Methods 30 workers were selected as the experimental group in June, 2005, divided into A and B groups, 15 workers of flour processing in A and 15 workers of leather processing in B respectively, at the same season, 20 teachcrs from a college were selected as the control group (C group). 360 dust specimen were collected, the concentrations of allergen Der pl, Der fl were determined by ELISA and the LPS concentration were determined by a kinetic Limulus assay. Results Concentration of allergen Der pl and Der fl (median:335.1 and 118.8, 350.0 and 174.1, 31.1and 3.4, 81.5 and 9.6 μg/g in different sites respectively) in A group was the highest, LPS in B group was the highest (median: 234, 268, 104, 54 EU/mg in different sites respectively). The concentration of allergen in the suspending dust was correlated with those in mattress and floor dust (rs=0.661, P〈 0.01; rs=0.534,P〈0.05) in A group, the concentration of LPS in the suspending dust was correlated with those in mattress and floor dust (rs=0.689, P〈0.01; rs=0.531, P〈0.05) in B group. Conclusion Working place polluted by high level dust mite allergen and LPS is one of important faclors which cause indoor dust mite allergen and LPS pollution of house.
作者 胡东 张荣波
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期87-89,共3页 Journal of Environment and Health
关键词 宅气污染 室内 尘螨 脂多糖 变应原 Air pollution, indoor Dust mites Lipopolysaccharides Allergens
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