
走向多元文化整合的当代美国华裔写作——以美国华裔作家李健孙小说《老虎尾巴》为例 被引量:3

The Contemporary Chinese American Writing in the Globalized Context: Viewing from Gus Lee's Tiger's Tail
摘要 自上世纪90年代以来,美国华裔文学在题材、主题、体裁等方面都比以往的作品更为复杂多元。美国华裔作家开始超越族裔写作的界限,趋向更为普世性的思考。李健孙的小说《老虎尾巴》对康拉德《黑暗的心》的戏仿,其目的在于解构原作中的欧洲中心主义倾向,并通过上校“拉布朗克”这一人物形象,揭示美国霸权主义行径。小说所表达的,即在不同文化及族群之间平等和谐的多元文化整合观念,正是当代美国华裔文学的主题叙述之一。 Since 1990's,Chinese American literature has turned to globalized subjects as one of its major thematical concerns and many Chinese American writers have displayed their recognition of their multicultural identity in their writing.Through an analysis of Gus Lee's 'Tiger's Tail',this article argues that Lee's novel is a parody of Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'.It deconstructs the Euro-centrism in 'Heart of Darkness',denounces scathingly the American hegemonism represented by LeBlanc,and highlights its author's view of cultural integration of varied cultures and ethnicities based on equal and harmonious co-existence in the era characterized by globalization.
作者 卫景宜 肖薇
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期17-23,共7页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国务院侨办人文社科研究项目<当代美国华裔写作:全球化语境下的文化心态考察>(批准号:04GQBYB006)
关键词 美国华裔文学 全球化语境 李健孙 多元文化 globalized context Chinese American literature Gus Lee diverse cultures
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