The land is the people produces with the life foundation, along with our country social economy development, all the various trades and occupations uses quantity and uses the quality request also unceasingly to enhance, reasonable, the effective land utilization plan also becomes even more important. The land utilization overall plan environmental effect appraisal is strengthening the land utilization maeroeconomie regulation and control, does well with the project management, aspects and so on realization farming total quantity dynamical equilibrium is playing the vital role, along with the new turn land utilization overall plan formulation, the land utilization overall plan environmental effect appraisal also more and more manifests its importance. The article has emphatically analyzed the question and the suggestion which the implementation land utilization overall plan environmental effect appraisal necessity, the domestic and foreign land utilization overall plan environmental effect appraisal procedure and in the land utilization overall plan environmental effect appraisal process exists and so on.
Science & Technology Information