Objective To summarize the feasibility of breast-conserving therapy and sentinel lymph node biopsy with eraly breast cancer. Methods Clinical datas of eighteen patients with early stage breast cancer of my hospital during August 2005 to July 2006 were analyzed. All patients were operated with wide local excision and sen- tinel lymph node biopsy. After operation, chemotherapy( exception one ease of LCIS), radiation therapy and endocrine therapy were done. Results All the patients were succeed. The patients were pleased with effect of the breast-conserving therapy, Among seven(een had gain sentinel lymph node biopsy, average 1.8 sentinel lymph node in each patient,positive rare of 94.4 % and positive rate of 100 %. Conclusions Breast'conserving therapy plus combined treatment is safe and satisfactory for early breast cancer. It can be considered as .the first choice for the treatment, of patients with breast cancer in early, stage. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is extremely accurate in prediction of the lymph node status in patients with breast cancer.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy