[目的]了解快速血浆反应素环状卡片试验(rapid plasma regain circle card,RPR)、螺旋体血球凝结试验(treponema pallidum gemagglutination assay,TPHA)、螺旋体明胶凝结试验(treponema pallidum particle agglutina-tion,TPPA)在诊断梅毒中的意义。[方法]采用三种试剂盒,检测60例经临床确诊的梅毒患者、44例健康体检者血清中的梅毒抗体。[结果]在60例梅毒患者血清中,RPR试验50例(20例Ⅰ期梅毒和30例Ⅱ期梅毒)呈阳性反应,阳性检出率为83.3%;TPHA试验38例(8例Ⅰ期梅毒和30例Ⅱ期梅毒)呈阳性反应,阳性检出率为63.3%;TPPA试验60例(20例Ⅰ、30例Ⅱ期和10例早期潜伏梅毒)均呈阳性反应,阳性检出率为100%。在44例健康者血清中,三种试剂均未检测到梅毒抗体。[结论]TPPA试剂具有高度敏感性及特异性,不仅能准确鉴定Ⅰ、Ⅱ期梅毒,还可较早地筛选出早期潜伏梅毒,缩短了梅毒的窗口期。
[ Objective ] To understand the significance of RPR ( rapid plasma regain circle card), TPHA ( treponema paUidum gemagglutination assay )and TPPA(treponema pallidum particle agglutination)in diagnosing syphilis. [ Methods] Using three kits to detect the syphilis antibody in blood serum of 60 cases syphilis patients and 40 eases healthy persens. [ Results ] In 60 eases syphilis patients blood serum, 50 eases (ineluding 20 eases first stage and 30 eases seeond stage syphilis ) were positive by RPR, the positive ratio was 83.3% ; 38 eases ( including 8 eases first stage and 30 eases second stage syphilis ) were positive by TPHA, the positive ratio was 63. 3% ; all cases (ineluding 20 eases first stage, 30 eases seeond stage and 10 eases ineubated syphilis ) were positive by TPPA , the positive ratio is 100%. In 44 eases healthy persons blood serum, all eases are negative by three kits. [ Conehsion] TPPA has highly sensibility and specificity in detecting syphilis antibody. It not only can definite the staging of syphilis, but also ean detect the ineuba- ted syphilis early and shorten the syphilis window phase.
Journal of Dalian Medical University