Shandong is rich in nonmetallic minerals and with large reserves,various kinds and widedistribution. By the end of 1995, 80 kinds of nonmetallic minerals have been found, ofwhich 42 kinds have proven reserves (accounting to more than a half of the proven reservesof 75 kinds of nonmetallic minerals in Shandong province), and more than 40 kinds of themhave been utilized. In the last 40 years, detailed prospecting and exploration work has been earried out in more than 300 localities bearing nonmetallic minerals and abundantinformation on the nonmetallic deposits have been gained. In particular, in 70's and 80's,work on the regionalization of ore-forming prospects of Ⅱ and Ⅳ orders for more than tenkinds of nonmetallic minerals,such as graphite,gypsum, natural sulphur, mapnesite,talc,zeolite and bentonite,etc.,the strategic analysis and demonstration of degree of assurance ofthese nonmetallic mineral resources for the economic construction have been carried out anda systematic summary of the nonmetallic mineral resource in the produce has bencompleted. Meanwhile, in accordance with development and utilization of minerals, a greatdeal of informaton on physical and chemical properties of the mineals and ore technology has been gained. In the last ten years, through the regional geological survey with scales of1∶ 200,000 and 1∶ 50, 000 in the whole province while many basic geologic achievementshave been gamed, the spatial and temporal distributions of some nonmetallic deposits havebeen further clarified, and abundant information on the tectonic settings of the deposits havebeen accumulated.Ore-bearing formation of nonmetallic minerals involves the lithologic background ofnonmetallic mineral from the aspect of rock formation, belonging to the safe of reseatch onthe ore-forming regularitics.It plays a significant role in mineral's regionalization,exploration and prospecting.It is important to make full use of the rich basic geological and mineral information,to bring the role of aged experienced geologists who kn
Geology of Shandong