

Effects of Captopril on Level of Plasma Lipid and Histological Change of Aortic Wall in the Atherosclerotic Rabbits
摘要 目的:观察卡托普利对动脉粥样硬化(AS)兔血脂水平和主动脉内膜、中膜和粥样斑纹的影响。方法:将纯种日本大耳白兔随机分成对照组、AS模型组、卡托普利干预组,观察各组家兔血脂水平及主动脉壁的病理学改变。结果:(1)与对照组比较,模型组血脂水平显著升高。(2)卡托普利组与模型组比较多数血脂指标无显著性统计学差异,但第12周的甘油三酯水平低于模型组;组织学观察显示其内膜厚度、内膜/中膜比值、内膜粥样斑纹面积及主动脉管壁面积等明显降低(P<0.05~0.01),泡沫细胞层明显减少。结论:卡托普利能有效防治AS的形成和发展。 Objective: To investigate effects of Captopril on plasma lipid level, aortic intima, arotic media and atherosclerotic plaque in atherosclerotic Japanese big-ear rabbits.Method: Rabbits were divided into three groups, control group, atherosclerotic group and Captopril group, and observe the plasma lipid level and pathological change of aortic wall in three groups of rabbits respectively.Results: Comparing with the control group, plasma lipid level in the atherosclerotic group was higher significantly . In early time, comparing with the atherosclerotic group, the Captopril group did not show significant difference in plasma lipid level, but after the 12th week, its trighyceride level was lower than that of the atherosclerotic group. Meanwhile, it was showed that the aortic intimal thickness, the ratio of arotic intimal thickness to arotic medial thickness, the area of aortic intimal atherosclerotic plague and aortic wall in the Captopril group was lower significantly than that in the atherosclerotic group. ( P<0.05~0.01) .Conclusion: Captopril can prevent the formation and development of atherosclerosis.
作者 汪建高 黄莺
出处 《微循环学杂志》 2007年第1期28-29,共2页 Chinese Journal of Microcirculation
关键词 动脉粥样硬化 组织学变化 卡托普利 主动脉壁 血脂水平 抑制作用 使用剂量 Atherosclerosis Captopril Plasma lipid Rabbit
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