he manufacture of diamond bits by low temperature (normal) technique began in 1970s inthe world. It can be said that Chinese are the first to have made a breakthrough in this field andthey have put this into mass production and wide operation. After 20 years of work, the researchers of Electroplated Diamond Bits Research Section of China University of Geosciences,have developed successfully not only various sizes o.f electroplated diamond bits for geologicaldrilling, but also different series of electroplated thin wall engineering bits, petroleum bits andPDC bits, which amount to more than 10 thousands and are widely used in China and in othercountrIes.As the low temperature electroplated diamond bits are manufactured at normal temperature(20 ̄30℃ ), the original properties of the diamond can be protected from damage to a great extent. Moreover, the whole production is made in electricmagnetic field, so it is very difficult toavoid the arrangement of magnetic synthetic diamond in certain direction in the magnetic field,but their arrangement direction is just favorable for anisotropic synthetic diamond to break rocksby their strong side. Therefore, the fine properties of the diamonds can be made to their bestadvantage. In addition, the manufacture of low temperature electroplated diamond bits is carried out in a principle to have metal ion deposited on the steel body under the force of electricfield. Since the specifications of diamond bits are contrblled by mould, the manufature is simpleand thus results in low cost, which benefits the wide application of the products.The adaptability of the matrix obtained by certa.in electroplating liquid is limited, and theadaptability of bits generally means whether the diamonds can be exposed normally. Therefore,the matrix metal should be allowed to wear as normal as possible in order to guarantee the edging of the diamonds. Because different rocks have different hardness, especially different abrasiveness, the bit matrix will not be worn at the same level in different ty
Exploration Engineering(Drilling & Tunneling)
low temperature electroplated diamond bit geological drilling application scope