数据挖掘中的关联规则挖掘能够发现大量数据中项集之间有趣的关联或相关联系,特别是随着大量数据不停地收集和存储,从数据库中挖掘关联规则就越来越有其必要性。通过对关联规则挖掘技术及其相关算法A priori进行分析,发现该技术存在的问题。本文介绍了能优化该技术的各种算法,分析了这些算法各自的优缺点,并针对这些问题提出了未来的研究方向。
The many interesting relations and relevance between the different items of sets can be located by means of the association rules mining technique of data mining. The mining of association rules from databases becomes especially necessary with the data in collection and storation becomes even larger. However,an analysis of the association rules mining technique and its relevant algorithm of Apriori has indicated that there exist problems in the technique in discussion. This paper is a review of the algorithms used to optimize the technique in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. New research directions of the algorithm of Apriori have also been pointed out in this paper.
Journal of Guilin University of Electronic Technology