
大学生人格特质与职业兴趣的关系研究 被引量:19

A Study on the Relationship between Personality Traits and Vocational Interests of College Students
摘要 目的本研究旨在探讨大学生人格特质与职业兴趣的关系。方法对181名被试进行NEO-FFI人格测验和Holland职业兴趣测验,并对测验结果进行偏相关和多元逐步回归分析。结果神经质与经营型存在正相关,与常规型存在负相关;外倾性与经营型存在负相关,与常规型存在正相关;开放性与研究型、艺术型存在显著的负相关,与社会型存在负相关,与常规型存在十分显著的正相关;宜人性与社会型存在十分显著的负相关;责任心与现实型、社会型和经营型存在负相关。结论大学生人格特质与职业兴趣存在相关关系。 Objective To investigate the relationship between personality traits and vocational interests in college students. Methods NEO-FFI and Holland Vocational test were administered to 181 subjects, and their scores were subjected to correlational and multiple regression analysis. Results Neuroticism is positively related to vocational interest scores on enterprising type and negatively related to conventional type; Extraversion is negatively related to enterprising type and positively related to conventional type; Openness is significant negatively related to investigative, artistic and social type, but is significant positively related to conventional type; Agreeableness is significant negatively related to social type; Conscientiousness is significant negatively related to realistic, social and enterprising type. Conclusion Personality traits correlates with vocational interests in college students.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2007年第2期126-129,共4页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 职业兴趣类型 人格特质 大学生 Vocational interests type Personality traits College students
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