本文将CVaR引入到RAROC(R isk-Ad justed Return on Cap ital)中,进行绩效评价。而且,将CVaR与VaR的结果进行了比较。在正态分布的情况下,CVaR与VaR的RAPM(R isk-Ad justedPerform ance M easure)对于绩效评价都是充分的、可靠的、有效的,且两者是等价的。但在非正态的情况下,CVaR的RAPM相对于VaR的RAPM更加充分、谨慎、可靠、有效。我们运用Bootstrap方法进行了实证研究。
The paper introduces CVaR into RAROC (Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital) to evaluate performance. And it compares the results of RAROC by using CVaR and using VaR. It can learn from that, in the condition of normal distribution, both the RAPM (Risk-Adjusted Performance Measure) by using CVaR and that by using VaR are sufficient, reliant and effective, and the two measures are equivalent. But the RAPM by using CVaR is more sufficient, more conservative and more reliant than that by using VaR in the condition of abnormal distribution. What's more, we do empirical study.
Journal of Applied Statistics and Management