During the past thirty-five years the Los Angeles region of California, USA, has appreciably reduced its level of air pollution in the face of a growing population and expanding economy. It has moved a long ways toward meeting the rigorous ambient air quality goals set by the State of California and the United States Clean Air Act, and is a leading example of the importance of the metropolitan-based approach to emissions reduction being pursued in the United States today. Key political, economic, cultural, and technological factors have combined to bring about the reduction. The subject of this report is nature of these factors and how they have evolved, and the continuing challenges to improving the region's air quality. Playing an important role has been the significant improvements in stationary and mobile air emissions control technology and business practices; the development of demanding clean air policy at the national, state, and regional level; and, the creation of a strong regional administrative agency with the task of monitoring and implementing clean air policy. Little progress in cleaning the region' s air would have occurred absent the unrelenting pressure by the public to do so. The Los Angeles region is under substantial pressure to achieve even further air emission reduction, especially with respect to today's prominent pollution "hot-spots". Meanwhile, the region's population continues to grow and the economy to thrive and expand, with all this implies for the generation of greater levels of overall mobile source air emissions. Thus, despite the impressive accomplishments in reversing the trends in air emissions in the region over the past three decades, the struggle for better air quality continues.
Research of Environmental Sciences
美国环保协会资助(Environmental Defense)
德国技术合作公司(Deutsche Gesellschaft frü Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH)共同资助