目的: 从材料表面能、材料表面的亲 / 疏水性、材料表面的电荷状况、材料表面的化学结构和材料表面负载活性因子 5 个方面论述了材料表面物理化学性质对细胞相容性的影响。指出材料表面的物理化学性质对材料的细胞相容性有着较大影响, 暨从这个方面阐明了组织工程材料的细胞相容性问题。资料来源: 应用计算机检索 PUBMED 1997- 12/2006- 12 期间的相关文章 , 检索词为“bio-compatibility, bio-compatibility materials, tissueengineering, tissue engineering materials, cell-compatibility”, 并限定文章语言种类为 English。同时计算机检索万方数据库 1997- 12/2006-12 期间的相关文章, 检索词为“生物相容性, 生物相容性材料, 组织工程, 组织工程材料, 细胞相容性”, 并限定文章语言种类为中文。资料选择: 对资料进行初审, 纳入标准: 与生物相容性组织工程材料相关的文章。排除标准: 重复研究或 Meta 分析类文章。资料提炼: 共收集到 71 篇相关文献, 33 篇文献符合纳入标准, 排除的38 篇文献为内容陈旧或重复。符合纳入标准的 33 篇文献中, 22 篇涉及生物相容性, 11 篇涉及细胞相容性材料。资料综合: ①关于组织工程材料与生物体的相互作用: 综述了高分子组织工程材料在与生物体组织接触时发生各种各样的相互作用。指出了材料与生物体的相互作用情况决定了材料组织相容性的程度; 材料对组织相容性的影响包含着微观分子水平和宏观尺度水平, 而且, 宏观大尺度上的效应比分子尺度上发生的化学效应更为重要。②关于材料表面物理化学性质对材料细胞相容性的影响: 综述了高分子材料表面的化学性质和结构、表面组成、表面能、表面亲 / 疏水性、表面的电荷状况、表面负载活性因子等材料表面物理化学性质对材料细胞相容性的影响。指出这种影响是研究组织工程材料生�
OBJECTIVE : To discuss the influence of physical and chemical properties of tissue engineered material surface on the cell compatibility, involving the surface energy, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, chemical structure and active factors loaded on the material surface, point out that the physical and chemical properties of material surface have great influence on the cell compatibility of the material, i.e., explain the cell compatibility of tissue engineered materials. DATA SOURCES: An online search of Pubmed database was undertaken to identify.relevant articles published in English from December 1997 to December 2006 using the keywords of "bio-compatibility, bio-compatibility materials, tissue engineering, tissue engineering materials, cell-compatibility". Meanwhile, Chinese relevant articles published from December 1997 to December 2006 were searched in Wanfang database with the same keywords in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION : The data were primarily checked. Inclusive criteria: articles about tissue-engineered materials of biocompatibility. The repetitive studies or Meta analysis were excluded. DATA EXTRACTION : Totally 71 relevant literatures were collected, 33 of which were accorded with the inclusive criteria, and the 38 repetitive ones or with old contents were excluded. Of the 33 involved literatures, 22 dealt with biocompatibility, and 11 with the cell-material compatibility. DATA SYNTHESIS: ① Interaction of tissue-engineered materials with organism: The various interactions of tissue-engineered polymer materials with organism are summarized, It is pointed out that the interactions of materials with organism decide the degree of material-tissue compatibility. The effects of material on the tissue compatibility result from the micromolecular and macroscopic levels, and the chemical effect of the macroscopic level is more important than that of the micromolecular one. ② Influence of the physicochemical properties of the material surface on the cell-material compatibility. The influences on
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research