Objective :To investigate the choice for different Kinds of fluid for acute hypervoternic hemodltution in patients undergoing gastrointestinal operation during Induction of general anesthesia. Methods :Twenty(ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ ) patients without cardiac and pulmonary disease of both sexes aged 22-65 years undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery were randomly divided Into two groups:Votuven group(group A,,= 10)and Plasrnalyte A group(group B, n= 10). Radial artery and right subolavlan vein were cannulated under local infiltration for BP and CVP monltoring.EOG,SpO2 and HR were continuously monitored during anesthesia. Anesthesia was Induced with mldazolam 0.05mg · kg^-1 ,fentanyl 3μg · kg^-1 ,propofol 1.5-2.0 mg· kg^-1 and veouronium 0. 1 mg · kg^-1 . After tracheal Intubation the patients were mechanically ventilated. VT and FR were respeotlvely set at 10 ml ·kg^-1 and 12 f · min ^-1 . Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane and intermittent i. v. closes of fentanyl and vecuronlum. Patients of group A received Voluven (Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4 and sodium Chloride Injection) 7ml ·kg^-1 in 20 min before Induction and 8 ml · kg^-1 after Induction. Patients of group B recelvecl Plasmalyte A(Multlple Electrolytes InJection) as the method of group A, Arterial and venous blood samples were taken for blood analysis and deteminnation of lactic acid, elect rolyte, Hb and Hct before AHH(t0 ), the moment after AHH(t1 ) 1 h after AHH(t2 ). Arterial Oxygen Content( CaO2 ), Central Venous Oxygen Content (CcvO2), Oxygen Extraction Retlo(ERO2 )and Volume Expansion Rate were calculated. Results: 1. There were no significantly differenoes of hemoaynamics between group A and group B. 2. Volume Expansion Rate:A〉B,Hb and Hot significantly Increased in group B at t2.3. PH inoreased In group B at t1 ,furthermore exceeded the normal value, but gradually returned to the baseline at t2 ; BE slightly increased at t1 within the normal value; HCO3^- unchanged before a
Chinese Journal of Current Advances in General Surgery