Cold air activities and its impacts on the heavy rainfall events in the mid-summer of July 2004 over Southwest China are investigated by using the daily observed precipitation data from China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The analysis results show that the intense precipitation in Southwest China was closely related to the activities of cold air from middle-high latitudes, and resulted from the cooperative interaction of middle-high and low latitude circulation synoptic systems. The mergence of a mid-latitude cold trough with a northward landfall typhoon and an eastward-moving southwest vortex, and the rapidly veering of an E - W orientation trough over East Asia induced the substantial adjustments of three times of general circulations and the rapid developments of long waves in the first and second dekads of July 2004, which in tern led to the southward intrusion of cold air in a large scale. And meanwhile, the warm, humid southwest summer monsoon flow was aim very active, the both met over the southern China, producing a vast area of the convective precipitation south of the cold air. In the convective precipitation area, the cold air spread southward to as far as 15°N. With regard to the impacts of activities of cold air, it can be summarized in the followings: firstly, the rapid southward incursion of upper level cold air is often accompanied by the southerly upper level jet. The ascending branch of the corresponding secondary circulation on the left front side of the jet core, provides favorite dynamically upward lifting. Secondly, the southward advance of cold air greatly enhances the baroclinicity, thus in favor of the development of baroclinic disturbances. The developed disturbances associated with the intrusion of cold air are able to destroy the potential instability stratification, release the convective available potential energy (CAPE), and finally induce the convective activities in a large scale area. In addition, the advection processes of dry
Acta Meteorologica Sinica
南海季风试验(South China Sea Monsoon Experiment:SCS MEX)