随着社会的发展,空间信息在国土、规划等各领域的应用越来越广泛,且其容量也呈几何级增长。如何安全高效地管理、分发空间数据,成为深入应用地理信息系统功能的必要前提。本文以作者的实际工作为基础,介绍了利用ESRI公司最新产品ArcGIS Engine开发包设计实现地理信息数据库管理系统的具体方法。
Along with the social development, the spatial information is applied increasingly to the fields of land and planning. At same time its capacity is growing in a geometric progression. Spatial data's safe and efficient management and distribution has therefore become the necessary premises for in-depth application of GIS functions. Based on the author' s practical work, this paper introduces the concrete methods of designing and implementing the management system of geographic information database using ArcGIS Engine development kit which is the newest product of ESRI.
Land and Resources Informatization