目的观察无机砷的活性中间产物-甲基亚砷酸(MMA^Ⅲ)对牛主动脉血管内皮细胞(BAEC)的内皮型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)磷酸化以及活性氧自由基(ROS)产生的影响。方法培养的BAEC分别暴露于MMA^Ⅲ(0.75/μmol/L,0-15min);亚砷酸钠(iAs^Ⅲ,100/μmol/L,0~60min);或N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC,1mmol/L)预处理2h后,再暴露于MMA^Ⅲ(0.75μmol/L,0-15min)。收获细胞悬液进行eNOS磷酸化蛋白的westem blot分析;应用二氰二乙酰荧光素法(H2DCFDA)观测细胞内的ROS产生。结果BAEC暴露于MMA^Ⅲ(0.75μmol/L)15min后,eNOSser1179磷酸化显著增加(P〈0.05),NAC预处理(1mmol/L)能够抑制这一现象;MM^Ⅲ暴露也能够诱导eNOSser1179磷酸化(P〈0.05),但是需要高浓度和更长的暴露时间(100μmol/L,30min);MMA^Ⅲ(0.75μmol/L)暴露能够诱导BAEC产生ROS,NAC预处理(1mmol/L)能够抑制这一现象。结论MMA^ Ⅲ暴露能够诱导细胞内产生ROS以及ROS依赖性eNOS磷酸化。
Objective To observe the effects of monomethylarsonous acid( MMA^Ⅲ )on eNOS phosphorylation and reactive oxygen species(ROS) generation in bovine aortic endothelial cells(BAEC). Methods Cultured BAEC was exposed to MMA^Ⅲ (0.75 μmol/L, 0 - 15 min) without or with acetylcysteine (NAC) pretreatment ( 1 mmol/L, 2 h), or iAs^Ⅲ ( 100 μmol/L, 0 - 60 min). Westem blot was done with the specific antibodies for phospho-eNOSsr1179. Intracellular ROS generation was assessed with the fluorescent probe, 2', 7' -dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate(H2DCFDA) Results MMA^Ⅲ (0.75 μmol/L)caused a rapid increase in phosphorylated eNOSser11 79 at 15 min after exposure( P 〈 0.05). In contrast, up to 100 μmol/L iAs^Ⅲ caused the increase of phosphorylated eNOSser1179 at 30 min( P 〈 0.05 ). MMA^Ⅲ stimulated the ROS production in live cells. Both the MMA^Ⅲ -induced eNOser1179 phosphorylation and ROS generation were blocked by NAC pretreatment( 1 mmol/L, 2 h). Conclusion MMA^Ⅲ exposure can induce ROS generation and ROS-dependent eNOS phosphorylation.
Chinese Journal of Public Health