采用高精度的光学显微镜和原子力显微镜研究了光滑S iO2衬底上聚苯乙稀薄膜的退湿润过程,并观测到成核退湿润过程:初态时在聚苯乙稀薄膜中出现随机分布的小孔,孔的尺寸的变化与时间成正比,终态时观测到聚苯乙稀小球在S iO2衬底上的蜂窝状分布,聚苯乙稀小球的分布与薄膜表面的缺陷密切相关。
The dewetting of PS films on SiO2 is measured by using optical and atomic force microscopy. And the nucleated dewetting is oberved. Initially, the isolated holes of PS films are randomly distributed, and radii of the holes are directly proportional to time. The slope of the plot presents the velocity of hole growth. Finally, droplets on SiO2 take the shape of a beehive, and the random distribution of the droplets is correlated directly with surface defects. The result indicates that the dewetting behavior is well defined and reproducible.
Journal of Huanggang Normal University