1George A.Akerlof,"The Market for 'Lemons':Quality,Uncertainty,and the Market Mechanism",Quarterly Journal of Economics,1970. 被引量:1
2Randall Bausor,"George A,Akerlof",New Horizons in Economic Thought:Appraisals of Leading Econtomists,Aldershol.U.K.Elgar,1992. 被引量:1
3George A.Akerlof,Janet L.Yellen,"Fairness and Unemployment",American Economic Review,1988. 被引量:1
4George A.Akerlof,"Labour Contracts as Partial Gift Exchange",Quarterly Journal of Economics,1982. 被引量:1
5George A.Akerlof,"Jobs as Dam Sites",Review of Economic Studies,1981. 被引量:1
6George A.Akerlof,"Irving Fisher on His Head.The Consequences of Target-Threshold Monitoring of Bank Accounts",Quarterly Journal of Economics,1979. 被引量:1
7George A.Akerlof,Joanet L.Yellen,"Rational Models of Imational Behavior".American Economic Review,1987. 被引量:1